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Using the digital arts and sciences, WWYN fights alongside marginalized youth, youth organizations, educational institutions and industry professionals to created safe secure digital spaces designed to empower gifted, but marginalized, youth around the world. Our purpose network is built on the belief that collaboration and community building are the foundations upon which youth empowerment, critically conscious youth development, and youth advocacy are built, become successful and sustainable. Our mission takes us beyond simply networking with youth organizations, but also organizing around building the infrastructure needed to combat the disparities in digital equity in the policies and the industries that make up the backbone of our 21st Century digital economy.
World Wide Youth Networks (WWYN) is a 501c3 non-profit, that connects youth, organizations, and institutions to promote digital equity and citizenship through the digital arts and sciences . We collaborate with thought leaders in youth voice, digital equity and digital inclusion. We base our network on our 4 Pillars of Empowerment which help youth achieve success and advocate for a more diverse, equitable and inclusive digital world. Our 4 Pillars include, Collaboration, Community Building, Youth Voice & Critical Conscious Youth Development, and Digital Equity & Representation. WWYN is a collaborative driven purpose network that focuses on connecting youth to their peers and organizations dedicated to creating safe digital spaces that foster empowerment. At WWYN we envision a future where all youth experience a diverse, inclusive, equitable digital landscape, so we work with youth, families, communities, school systems, community based organizations, institutions of higher education and employers to create a pathway to digital citizenship that prioritizes digital equity and empowering youth. We invite you to find out more information and hope you will join us.
Youth Voice & CCYD
In this digital age, youth voice is a fundamental part of critically conscious youth delvelopment. Youth voice refers to the distinct ideas, opinions, attitudes, knowledge, and actions of young people as a collective body. The term youth voice often groups together a diversity of perspectives and experiences, regardless of backgrounds, identities, and cultural differences.
Community Building
We engage young socially driven advocates and influencers and connect them to like minded peers, mentors and organizations, beyond their geographic boarders. WWYN builds a collaborative community of change that seeks solutions to the barriers to education, employment and equity. We understand that our community must be founded in youth culture youth in order to foster youth-led solutions
WWYN is the result of youth organizations realizing, we could accomplish more collectively than individually to achieve a word where youth empowerment and digital equity could exit. By remaining true to our core missions, but working collaboratively for this common goal, we realized we could give youth a united voice beyond the limitations of location and access.
Digital Equity & Representation
Combating the digital divide is not just about access to technology, it's about creating a digital ecosystem that ensures that everyone has equal opportunity to culturally competent communities and resources online and in real life. No longer will they be force to support industries in the digital arts and sciences that do not reflect their lived experiences.
Our Services
Collaborative Innovation & Networking
WWYN manages a network of collaborative of collaborative youth organizations committed to improving the lives of marginalized youth, 10 to age 24, by working to ensure that our youth become digital and media literate and capable of advocating for didital equity in the information and attention economies. We use data drive approaches to develop and implement strategies designed to combat the digital divied and provide safe digital spaces for marginalized youth.
Professioanl Devlopment and Capcity Building
WWYN provides customized hands on support to youth organizations, youth-leaders, educators and families to improve student engagement and student achievement in schools and after school programs. WWYN offers data driven, engagement strategies for networking among thought leaders, organizations and underrepresented youth interested in the digital arts and sciences. WWYN provides customized implimentation plans, technical assistance and CTE professional trainning.
Youth Enrichment Programs
WWYN’s enrichment programs help students gain the 21st Century skills and talents needed to succeed in our digital economy and promote digital equity throught the dgital arts and siences. Throuhg our ParaDYM Academy after school program, WWYN provides career &college exploration, career technical education (CTE), mentorship, academic support, and social emotional learning (SEL) for youth in person or through virtual sessions with youth across our network.
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